Gift Logo to You Father Rocky & Relevant Radio // If you're interested in using it, we can refine it to make it a nation-wide sensation for your Faithful Viewers and Listeners (Even in Hawaii and Alaska)
3rd degree Linkedin.com Connection
Executive Director/CEO at Relevant Radio
May 26, 2022
Jason Ballesteros de Leon sent the following message on Linkedin at 2:43 PM (updated:04.16.2024)
Re-Designed “Relevant Radio Rosary Logo”
Hello Father Rocky,
I received your letter which stated you’d like to shake my hand for being a donor for your pledge drive and being a Charitable Costco Work Contributor with company matching. I also donate to The Archdiocese of Military Services, The Navy League of the United States, and am currently a 4rd Degree Knight of Columbus (Council 12805 - Mary Star of the Sea Church // Oxnard & Port Hueneme, California).
I made my own Relevant Radio sticker for my car and have been always promoting your station and was concerned with our low signal in Naval Base Ventura County. We can’t get a strong clear signal over the radio from Los Angeles AM930 station.
I revised your Rosary Across America Logo, including Hawaii and Alaska, and also with another style cross with Jesus. I want to present this Logo to You and Relevant Radio for any use. If it’s okay for me to make these to gift them to, I will never sell them, and I would be proud to be part of being God's Servant & Artist. Please give me the opportunity to show you what I made, I thought I could upload it here, but I wasn’t able to.
Best Regards & God Bless You Always,
Jason Ballesteros de Leon
2520 Madera Circle #82
Port Hueneme, CA 93041
(805) 612-4537
Update: I made a total of 30 World Rosaries, including the Knights of Columbus

Made with Cricut // Material Permanent White Vinyl

Testing on Mom's Van

Prototype Logo, missing 1 bead

Beautiful <3

7 Inch Logo above Free Bumper Sticker Logo
On the Cricut Database for DIY Projects:
Family Rosary Across the World Logos // Inspired by Father Rocky // RelevantRadio.com // jasondeLeon.art // by: Jason B de Leon
30 Rosary Logos - to be Printed Separately, Grouped, or Together USA, Hawaii, Philippines, Mexico, Japan, Netherlands, Ireland, Samoa, Canada, Singapore, Puerto Rico, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, China, Germany, Spain, Vietnam, Africa, New Zealand, Guam, Australia, Brazil, India, France, Malaysia, Thailand, Italy, Ukraine, Knights of Columbus. This is God's Artwork and made by myself guided by the Holy Spirit inspired by Father Rocky - CEO of Relevant Radio and "The Daily Family Rosary Across America". The initial logo of the USA I saw sparked my Inner Production Artist, resulting in various logos around the world with a similar style. I have called this the "Family Rosary Across the World". Praying for Peace, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Goodwill, and Hope for All. With an Unstable World, I Pray for God's Blessings on All Nations of Humanity, Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
USE: Printable Vinyl / Print / Dry / Laminate / Cut on DieCut or CardStock Setting / Paddle and Roll out bubbles / Separate or Cut for distribution / GET BLESSED by a CHURCH FATHER / Distribute as a GIFT / THESE LOGOS AREN'T TO BE SOLD BUT TO BE A HEARTFELT GIFT TO THOSE YOU LOVE OR THOSE THAT NEED THE BLESSINGS. Inspired by Father Rocky from Relevant Radio's "Family Rosary Across America" // May God Bless Us All, Keep Us Safe, Happy, and at Peace Always. GOD BLESS US ALL ALWAYS, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY, STABILITY, HEALING, WISDOM, AND TRANSFORMATION TO EVERYONE.
Much Love,

Family Rosary Across America

Family Rosary Across Hawaii

Family Rosary Across Philippines

Family Rosary Across Mexico